Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boba Tea

You know I'm going to write you a blog.
Remember on the first day I met you was in MU basement.
You learned how to pronounce my chinese name and even learned how to write my chinese name.
It was so funny and I know you are trying your best to pronounce my chinese name correctly and write my chinese name in proper way.
I was being touched

Boba Tea is our favorite ; )
you brought me to Vietnamese Restaurant to have the Boba Tea
and the taste is so good, which is the best I have ever had.
With the thoughts of Boba Tea, I realized that you and I had Boba Tea rather frequently.
We talked we smiled we laughed we walked together around the campus.

The Boba Tea
The rice biscuit
The tomato eggs rice
The Pho Tai
The cheeseburger
The movie
The apple pie
and everything.

I love the way you hug me
you hugged me tightly and being in your arm just felt so right
I felt secure and touched every time u hugged me

There is something else I want to tell you in person
anyways I miss you ; )
I'm going to enjoy every steps with you, which we will go through together.

Sun Devil

I'm Sun Devil ; ]

I'm kinda stressed out this few days. Yet I still went out with friends. Maybe I'm a party girl? As I promised Yeongher that I would bring her to ASU for the homecoming. Unfortunately, when we got there, there was nothing much there. I'm so sorry about that my dear. Luckily, we did the ASU Devil sticker on our faces. At least we did something right? After that, we went to Peoria and had dinner with Tin, Yusef, Simon, Hussein and his girlfriend. Had a great dinner with you guys. It was kinda funny when you guys din't understand what Yeongher and I were saying about in mandarin. I know it is weird and impolite, and I owed you guys an apologize. Actually we were just talking about the culture here and it is kinda different from our culture. And yet we are learning the culture here, maybe it takes time. Knowing you guys is my honor and pleasure. I just want to thank for the understanding. Maybe we have some communication's problems sometimes. I love you guys so much. For those who have exams coming and I wish you all the best and good luck in your exams.

Perhaps you and I just stop right there
as you said "At least we can be friends, if there is no more than that."
I hope that it works.
and I am sorry. Maybe you do not want my apologize, but still
I gotta say it.
Take care and move on.

Yeongher, do you still remember last night? We went to Starbucks right after the dinner. Seriously, I'm kinda miss you right now with no reasons. We sang in the car with the music loud. We gossiped we talked we laughed we hugged. Even though we just met each other and got to know each other for like 3 months. You know what. As I told you, there is something out there for you, and it has been arranged and set up. Perhaps I'm the one who can help you and listen to you. Open your heart to me and I will always be there for you. I know maybe you are not happy and kinda emo recently. Don't be scared my dear. You will always have me. All I'm saying right now is not comforting you, yet is from bottom of my heart. I know maybe you are not that kind of girl who can say out your feeling and emotions directly. But I tell you what. I'm waiting for you to tell me and you know that I'm a good listener. Even though I do not really pay attention to classes sometimes, always in daydream. I do not want to force you and I just want to let you know that, even I do not ask you, it does not mean that I do not care you. A truly friend is you do not need to say a word, and yet I still know what you are thinking about. Kahhui and I already reached the highest level of friendship. And I believe that you and I will be there someday. I love you so much my dear. Take care. I'm looking forwards to have Green Tea Latte with cream on top again during night time with the cold weather. It's just so perfect.

Love ya ; )

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Oct30 2010 8:18pm ♥.
You and I

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

3 Months

I have been here for 3 months
July 26 2010 was the day I came to the United States
on that day I carried my luggage myself and took the flight with a friend
The friend is Yeongher and at that time we were not that closed friends
we just took the same flight together after we knew each other will go the same university
we cried on the flight
but we tried to act normal
remember the first couple weeks we reached here
and we were so homesick and depressed
I decided to go back Malaysia end of this year
but I decided not going back end of this year at the end
I know I disappointed you guys and my parents
actually I miss you guys so much and I miss Malaysian food so much
you know that is kinda hard for me
you guys know how much I love to eat
you know curry fish head is so delicious?? I miss it.

after the school has started
I am so busy, even right now
plenty things wait for me to do
and I met a lot of new friends
and I really appreciated it
I started to love the life here
and I am getting used to it
I love the weather right now
not too cold and windy
is so perfect

Oct26 2010
I hang out with a friend
and we went to Fashion Square to have cheeseburger to celebrate my 3 months anniversary which I have been here for officially 3 months
he is a sweet and nice guy
after that we went to watch "Paranormal Activity 2", which was so scary
thanks Yusef for the cheeseburger, movie, and the apple pie
and your daddy is so friendly and nice
thanks for everything ♥.

Cheeseburger ; )

What a Bad Day!

oh my gosh... I feel so bad and guilty today
I had a nightmare last night
the story was about the argument with my dear grandmom
maybe I miss her so much?
but I do not want to argue with her
come on Shinn Jye

and I woke up late this morning
I thought that my alarm will be rang again after I touched the screen on my iphone
but it never ring again!!! arghhhhhh
and I woke up at 830am
and I went to toilet with my eyes closed
my dear cousin scared me when I was walking to the toilet

the worse thing was happened when I reached the Lot59, which is the place for me to park my car
and I crashed my car but luckily it was not too bad
just the paint of my black car dropped T.T
actually just a little part, not a big deal
but my heart was so painful
oh my gosh
totally no mood today
sad face ; (

things all went wrong today
I was wondering why
how retarded I was
I have not finished my story yet
I forgot that I got a chemistry lab class today
I forgot to bring my lab book and I wore sandal to school
and my teaching assistance saw me
he asked me to go buy a cover, which it can cover my feet and it costs 1 dollar
Besides that, I broke an equipment after I have washed it
but luckily it did not hurt anyone and I do not need to pay for it

End of story.
The whole day
I was so down
I felt so bad
I felt so guilty

On the way back home
I was thinking how should I tell my aunt
I prayed
and I decided to tell her once I get home
She laughed at me after I told her about my bad day
and she gave me a hug
thanks my dear aunt

I want to thank Younghwa
thanks for your listening and the ice green tea latte which you bought for me
to cheer me up
and thanks for your hug as well
I love you Younghwa

I am going to study for my coming exams
I have a lot of exams for the next couple weeks
wish me luck. ; )

Monday, October 25, 2010


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protect, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13 4:8

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Recently. Random Thoughts

Awesome picture right? which taken by me ; )

每当冷风吹来 不知为何心情特别的好
在冷冷的天气里 喝着一杯热呼呼的Starbucks 感觉真不错
最近爱上 hot Green Tea Latte with cream on top
有机会 你也应该去叫一杯试试看
最近的我 不知道在忙些什么
就好像很忙一样 好像有很多东西要做似的
哈哈 其实有很多功课啦 也有接二连三的考试
啊啊啊 很懒惰啊最近 开始堕落了
上课开始想睡觉 好不专心的我
我已经很努力早睡了 可是不知为何还能这么累

都是一群好人 就好像回到了中学和英迪一样
突然间 我好爱ASU
就像我表弟说 他喜欢去学校找朋友 哈哈 想必大家也是一样吧
hang out with friends
渐渐的 喜欢了这里的生活
渐渐的 习惯了这里的生活
走路时应该走在右手边 而不是你想走哪里就走哪里
什么该做 什么不该做 你来了就会知道了
我有个朋友Yusef 他说 如果可以贿赂警察 而少还罚单 他愿意这么做
而在马来西亚的我们 就会批评说警察贪污
这里的离婚率超高的 5个朋友 有其中2个的父母亲是离婚的
不明白 也不了解
喜欢就在一起 不喜欢就分, 如果你有这样的男女朋友, 你会要吗?
最近的我 就像爱情白痴一样
大家都会说 爱情不分对与错
什么叫爱 我似乎不了解
可是可以确定的是 有些事错过了 就没有回头
简简单单的一句话 似乎变的难以开口
或许我们有social roles的想法
觉得男生应该开口先 不过现在的状况好像不流行耶
最讨厌的就是猜来猜去 到最后大家都猜错
唉 这种事电视机都有做啦
可是 人就是犯贱的啦 明知道可是还是要这样做

最近的他突然转性 开始对我满好的
刚开始还没什么话讲 只是会笑我的英文
他很有自信 而且很看得起自己
其实他还满帅的啦 是不是啊"Kan Ger Khoo"??
记得我告诉你的 “话别说得太早” 哈哈
其实他只是嘴巴臭 可是人很好
他就像“具俊表”一样 想对你好 可是又不太直接
哈哈 好象拍偶像剧叻

在寒冷的天气里 最温暖的就是一个紧紧的拥抱
I love the way you hug me

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Josh Li

Happy 21th Birthday, Josh Li.
yeah now you can officially drink alcohol and go clubbing eventually in the United States.
Wish you happy always and have a blast one
and stay sweet and happiness with your girlfriend
and yeah, we should find a day to meet up together
since you have promised me a lots when you visited Malaysia in the year of 2006
you said you will drive me to places when you got your driver license
do you still remember the email address, which was "workin4da6packs"
pretty funny though
oh yeah, do you still remember "sou rou"?
Are the scars still there? I am so sorry about that.
And how about "Jolin"? the sexy and hot girl.
Recall back to the early first time I met you and Kevin was in China
and at that time we were pretty small
I can still remember your sunglasses and the fat body
haha you know I am just kidding right
and when we were hiking the Great Wall, and you were so freaking tired
the time which three of us spent time together was fun and awesome
and it made me miss you guys so much when you guys back to United States.

To me, you are one the sweetest guy whom I have ever met
Last but not least,
wish you all the best in your studies
and stay sweet with Steph Sinclair.
and we need to hang out more
Take care
hugsss and love you always bro.

Happy 21th Birthday again!!!!

p/s: I will upload more photos which I have taken tonight by tomorrow k
I am pretty tired right now..

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Knowing you is not a coincidence
perhaps it is called destiny.

River flows in you
Thanks for everything, LR.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Already Gone

戴着耳机 听着歌
然而 自己是带着怎样的心情去上课
心里空荡荡的感觉 真的很不好受

在你面前 我就像个傻瓜一样
你所说的一切那么甜 也那么的苦
你我 就像我最爱的红色文件夹
幸好我没受伤 伤的是我的文件夹
它保护了我 却不知道我是那么的需要它
; )

Saturday, October 9, 2010

London Bridge

London Bridge is in Lake Havasu City, Arizona
which is based on the 1831 London Bridge which spanned the River Thames in London, England until it was dismantled in 1967.
The Arizona bridge is a reinforced concrete structure clad in the original masonry of the 1830s bridge, which was bought by Robert P. McCulloch from the city of London
McCulloch had exterior granite blocks from the original bridge numbered and transported to America, in order to construct the present bridge in Lake Havasu City
The bridge was completed in 1971 along with a canal, and links an island in the lake with the main part of Lake Havasu City.

London Bridge

Having lunch at a British style restaurant

One day trip to Lake Havasu City and it took almost 4 hours to drive there
and it was pretty fun and awesome
and I took a lot of photos with my D3100
Besides that, my uncle brought us to the Colorado River
and I have fun playing with the water, just like a little kid
my uncle, aunt and Tiffany was standing at the side and watching me ==''

Happy ending with a Boba Thai Tea
78' F

; )

Friday, October 8, 2010

Summer is going to end

Fall in love with the weather in Arizona
remember when the first time Yeongher and I just reached the Sky Habor International Airport
when the gate was opened automatically
at that moment,
Yeongher and I was screaming, "oh my is so hot and even the wind"
Summer is going to end now
I realized the time passes so fast and the winter is coming
oh yeah
I got to enjoy the winter in Arizona
and I fall in love with this weather
This few days, I walk out from my house and stand at the road side in the morning
and I breath and smell the air
and it made my day
the cold wind and the warmly sun
although it will no snow in Phoenix or Scottsdale
I still love it so much
when you know and you have experienced how hot it is during the summer in Arizona
and you sure will know how I am feeling right now

I love to smile
I want to smile everyday
and get rid of the "moody evils", please stay away from me
I warn you!!!

Xoxo, gossip girls.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reluctantly without Happiness

Tonight I just want to be alone
and I know how hard it is
I am struggling, confusing and even perplexing
knowing how fragile I am
Luckily I just got my new i touch 4 last night and Nikon Camera D3100 tonight
and it made me so happy but it lasts for few moments
I forced to smile

thanks for my dear uncle for teaching me so much knowledge of using camera
and my aunt for buying me Mi Sedap
You know how much I love you two?
Please stay in health and happy always
Love and hugs

; )

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Isabelle Choong Kah Hui

Hey my dear
Happy Birthday Girl..
For this moment, I am so sad
you know how much I miss you?
seriously I have never miss a girl so much, except you
you are so important to me, do you know that?
you are my best girl friend ever and no one can replace you
even we have just known each other for only 1 year and 9 months
but we just seem like we have known each other for a super long time
and I know that you love me too
in our bottom heart
even though we do not talk much after I came to United States
but I always miss you and I am still worried about you and care about you
even I am here
you treat so nice and we both are just like twin sisters
A true friendship is unchangeable even though we do not meet each other
and our hearts belong to each other no matter how
I pray for you and you pray for me

Remember the first time I met you was at concourse
due to the preparation for the orientation night
even though you saw me the first time was at Calculus class
you know what? This is called F.A.T.E
We talked and we sat together the following day
for the first exam or midterm, I went to your house and over night there
we took KTM back to Cheras since I still have not got my car yet
and you taught me Calculus patiently
we had pillow talk and we shared our secret
more and more

I remember I brought you back my hostel illegally
luckily we did not get caught
we always hang out at Starbucks and studied together
I know you like Vanilla favorite or Chocolate Chip
and we love Green Tea Latte or Frappercino after we tried it
I know you do not like to eat pork and you are so picky for meat
you do not like steamed chicken and you only eat breast chicken
you are so obedient and you are a good daughter
you know what you want
and you know what you are gonna to do
you are a responsible student and friend
I love the way you look silly and confused sometimes
I love both of us said "wei you are fat, you know?" to each other

I miss those time we went shopping together
and you know I love to buy stuffs
and we love to take photos of ourselves
and we love to watch movies together after classes or during the midnight
I miss those days which I brought you to club
and I lent you my ID to get in at MOS and Baserona
I miss we always have dinner at Restaurant Ru Chi and Jing Zhou
we love to eat curry fish head
I miss those time we have Baskin Robin and got half price for every Wednesday
You know what, I am freaking craving for Very Berry Strawberry
I miss you my dear
and I know you like Mint chocolate which I do not like mint thou

I miss the time we always went back to Cheras every weekends
and your mom will cook for us
I miss her and her cooks
I miss we always talk and gossip in my car on the way back home
I miss Mid Valley Sunway Pyramid Pavillion so so much
we settled all the problems together
and we shared our troubles and all the big and small matters
we cried together and we comforted each other
and we gave hugs to each other when needed
you know what I like and what I do not like
and I know what the next sentences you are gonna to say
and I know the next steps you are gonna to do
we know each other and we understand
we do not even say a word and we know what each other are thinking about

I miss you so much Choong Kah Hui
I love you so much
please take good care of yourself
and I will wait for you to come here
Happy 19th Birthday !!!

Friday, October 1, 2010


What I am thinking right now?
I have asked myself repeatedly
perhaps my heart know it
but I just pretended that I do not know anything
sometimes I really want to tell you
but I just could not open my mouth and tell you honestly
and I am just waiting
even waiting for what, I also do not know
maybe I think too much and I am just carrying all those problems to myself
maybe and maybe
I hate myself just being like that
I cannot describe my feeling, even to myself
I am so sorry to myself